Presentations/Articles Language in the Diaspora: French and the Francophonie, International Youth Leadership Institute, January 2019. The Interpretative Mode in Teaching Heritage Language Learners, Fordham University, Center for Educational Partnerships, April 2019. Seeing the French Heritage Speakers in the DLI classroom, French Embassy to the United States, November 2020. Comments on “Accelerating Learning of Heritage Speakers in our World Language Classrooms: our Students of Promise”, NYC Department of Multilingual Learners, October 2020. The French Heritage Speakers in NYC (DOE Demographic Report, New York City, 2020 Authentic Resources for a Successful “French for Heritage Speakers Program”, ACTFL-2021. The FHLP: a Language Equity Model, Lafayette College, February 2022. Les programmes d’enseignement de français langue d’héritage comme facteur d’intégration sociale et académique: l’exemple du FHLP, Metropolis Conference, December 2021. La littérature autochtone en classe de français, Francophonia, 2021. The Seal of Biliteracy: A Natural Pathway to Linguistic and Intercultural Proficiency for French Heritage Speakers, World Languages for our Global City conference, Division of Multilingual Learners, NYC DOE, January 23. Preserving French as a Heritage Language in the United States in “French all around us”, TBR Books, 2022. Creating space for students’ linguistic and cultural heritage in the French classroom: the example of the FHLP in the United States in “A bilingual revolution for Africa”, TBR Books, 2023. “Le français, un atout pour l’intégration des jeunes immigrés francophones aux États-Unis?Oui, mais à certaines conditions” in “Diversité: regards sur l’immigration dans l’espace francophone”, Metropolis, VOLUME 19 | NO.3 | 2023.